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KMS Supermarket
I conducted I conducted an analysis of the logistics involved in the business operations, as well as the revenue generated by each category of goods sold, the customer category that generated the most profit, and the region where the highest number of sales were made. using Pivot Tables and Charts, Lookup functions like INDEX - MATCH, Knowledge on generating insights.
You may download the KMS Superstore Excel analysis here
Career Aspirations of GenZs
The goal of this project is to analyze the factors influencing career aspirations among GenZs globally, with a focus on gender differences. The project will survey respondents on factors such as employer preferences, desired working environments, learning environments, and the impact of social media and personal networks on career aspirations. The results will be analyzed to develop recommendations for organizations looking to attract and retain talent, with a focus on promoting gender equality. Deliverables include a concise report and insights on gender-based differences in career aspirations.
Cosnidering the total Male repondents are more than the female respondents and the analysis is aimed at measuring how engaged either patrty is across several events; I used the average numbers (Highest number of eaither gender - Lowest number of eiather gender/Total number of both genders). The higehr the percenatge gotten from this calculation- the smaller the gap, and the smaller the fraction- the higher the gap between the male and female reposndents. Consequenty, the fractions can all be evaluated and the highest and lowest easily comparism between the respondents across the events can be spotted easily.